A. R. T. I. S. T. R. Y.

Benji Spence.

An illustration and statement by Benji Spence for segments of artistry

When considering and illustrating my idea for the theme Home, I chose to focus on the most basic foundations of any home - food and shelter.

If you’ve ever spent a few months not knowing where you’re going to live when a tenancy ends, or had to make the food in your cupboard stretch to the next pay check you’ll be aware of the lingering emotional fatigue caused by being out of control of these essentials. In my own experience I’ve often taken for granted the security I have, and because of this have been…

Soon there will be an opportunity to become an any segment member to view both Benji’s illustration and statement in full, where you will also be able to enjoy unlimited access to all other exclusive content.

This content is from issue 3: home

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