With each and every issue of any segment, we promote a chosen charity which we believe will benefit from even the smallest of donations, where we also send a percentage of our own net profits directly to that assigned charity. Please find more information on each charity below and our deepest appreciation to those who choose to give by purchasing one of our issues.
with every issue
Issue 1 for Dementia UK.
Isolation continues to place a strain on all parts of our society, yet those suffering with dementia are disproportionately affected and often face worsening symptoms as a reaction to not being able to see anyone beyond their immediate carer.
Donating to this charity will help admiral nurses who work alongside people with dementia and their families to provide one-to-one support, expert guidance and the practical solutions they need.
Issue 2 for Age UK.
Age UK carries out the incredible work that helps the older generations of our society to thrive. Often vulnerable, this charity provides people with support when they need it the most.
During the past years, it has been the elderly amongst others who have suffered most. Lockdown created a parallel pandemic of loneliness which Age UK have addressed with their friendship services, local community support, and expert information, so that those who are struggling, grieving or retreating into themselves can get the support they need to continue feeling connected to the world of memories they live in.
Issue 3 for Crisis.
Crisis is the national charity for the homeless. They help people directly out of homelessness and campaign for the permanent changes needed to solve it altogether. The research they have carried out over decades is driven by their knowledge from working side-by-side with homeless people every day, which today, given the cost of the living crisis, is more pertinent than ever.