C. O. N. V. E. R. S. A. T. I. O. N.

Taking art to a new scale with Hannah Lemon

Meet the miniature artist who picks up her tools to create new realistic worlds

Interview by Perminder Dhillon for segments of conversation

You must be forever observing, contemplating the world around you. Where do you mostly seek inspiration from and why?

You are right, I am always observing and looking. I take a lot of inspiration from the perfection and imperfections of things around me. In nature, we see a lot of beautifully designed things that are perfect in their form and I find it very satisfying to try to recreate the perfection using alternative materials and techniques.

I also love the imperfection of nature. Leaves falling off trees, the adaptations that occur to fit into different environments such as roots growing through cracks in the pavement and the natural differences in every organism.

I have a love for insects and animals as well. As a child in Japan, I used to befriend praying mantises and play with frogs…

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