L. I. T. E. R. A. T. U. R. E.

Puzzle pieces.

Story by Laura Rosiere, painting by Daniela Molina García

In 2019 I moved from one home to another. Away from my family, friends, ex- and colleagues, I rooted elsewhere. Whenever I return, my mother asks “so, which of these places do you call home?”

Home is my home, the always musical and people-filled home I grew up in from when I was a little girl until I felt old enough to move to the city. The memories we made there, the people I met and the moments I experienced, those have become home. Amsterdam no longer is. In July 2019 I moved to Newcastle, which is the place I now call my home, but I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for…

Soon there will be an opportunity to become an any segment member to view both Laura's story and Daniela’s painting in full, where you will also be able to enjoy unlimited access to all other exclusive content.

This content is from issue 3: home

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